There are many things that can be said about Shania Twain, but no one will ever try to undermine her self-assurance.
She has been at the top of the music business for many years and has changed over time to make sure she stays current and is loved by millions of people around the world.
But now, it’s not her music that’s garnering attention; rather, it’s her choice to strip off for a recent photoshoot for the cover of her most recent single, “Waking Up Dreaming.”
The 57-year-old country music legend said she was just demonstrating how “comfortable” she was during the session, but left little to the imagination.
Speaking to People Magazine, she said: “This is me expressing my truth. I’m comfortable in my own skin, and this is the way I am sharing that confidence.
“I think the best fashion is confidence, and whatever you wear… if you’re wearing it with that, it’s fashionable. I am a woman in my late 50s, and I don’t need to hide behind the clothes. I can’t even tell you how good it felt to do nude shooting. I was just so unashamed of my new body… It’s really liberating.”
The singer may be seen in the picture kneeling on the ground wearing a white skirt and tie-dyed pink boots. Her breakthrough record was released almost 25 years ago. She covered her modesty with her arms out in front of her body, adding the finishing touch to the ensemble with a white cowboy hat.

Twain has already spoken candidly about the bodily insecurities she has had to deal with throughout her years in the spotlight.
As far back as 1993, the singer decided to go bra-less and show off her midriff for her “What Made You Say That” music video. She told People: “From the very beginning… the very first video… I was ditching the bra.
“But, I was a lot firmer then, so as I grew older, I started feeling a different pressure of, ‘Well, your breasts are not as plump as they used to be. Your skin is not as tight as it used to be. Maybe you should start covering it up a little bit more.’”
In a coincidental admission, the 57-year-old said that the bravery she hoped to portray in her future movie was motivated by her own self-doubts about her body image.
“I hit this wall and was like, ‘Whoa, my confidence is regressing. My courage is dulling. Why am I allowing this? Frig that. I am not regressing. I am embracing my body as it changes, as I should have from my childhood to my teens, as I should be from my taut, 20s and 30-year-old self… I’m not going to be shy about it. I want to be courageous about it, and I want to share that courage in the artwork that I am directing,” she said.
“Queen of Me”, Twain’s sixth studio album, is set to be released February 3.
I’m not sure about you, but I believe that we need more strong female role models like Shania Twain. It’s crucial to feel at ease in your own skin, regardless of your age, race, skin tone, or anything else.
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