We all dream of a better world, but is there really a chance for things to change for the better without us finally starting to treat animals the way they deserve? I strongly believe that achieving any form of excellency of living depends on what we do for those who can’t speak for themselves. However, stories of people who go above and beyond for the well-being of all the creatures we share this planet with give me hope that humanity is still alive. Wild horses are meant to be exactly what their name stands for, wild and free. However, there are often cases where these animals are chained so they cannot escape.

A member of the charity Four Paws named Ovidiu Rosu came upon a shackled horse in Romania and realized he needed to act quickly to free the lovely animal. This man, who also happened to be a vet, released the chains and was showered with the sweetest thanks ever. The horse, not knowing what to expect, was noticeably anxious as Rosu approached it. Rosu managed to calm the animal down before he reached the chains, and then he was able to set it free. The horse’s legs bore signs of its agony in the form of markings. After being set free, the wild horse patted Rosu’s nose as a token of appreciation for his kind deed. The poignant moment was recorded. Sadly, chaining wild horses is a common practice in Romania as people believe it would prevent them from roaming freely in the protected Letea Forest.
When these horses were left behind by the Tatars some 300 years ago, their number grew bigger and bigger with each passing year. “These horses were first brought to Romania around 300 to 400 years ago by the Tatars. The Tatars left many horses behind, and they started roaming freely through the area. Many horses were also set free in 1989, after the agricultural cooperatives in the area broke apart. This led to a huge population boom—by 2010, there were as many as 1,500 horses living in the Danube Delta.”
In order for this cruel practice of chaining horses to stop, the members of the Four Paws organization offered to carry out a program to give contraceptives to mares to help control the numbers. This helped lower the number of horses, but locals still insist on chaining them, a practice animal advocates tend to put a stop to.
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