Being different is something we should all appreciate because being different make sthis world more interesting but sadly this is not always the case.
Often people who are different are offered rejected.
This attitude needs to change, but it seems this could take a long time to happen.
Twenty two year old Jonathan Novick was diagnosed with the dwarfism when he was still very young. Achondroplasia is a genetic condition affecting a protein in the body called the fibroblast growth factor receptor.
The protein begins to function abnormally, which slows down the growth of bone in the cartilage of the growth plate, as described by Hopkins Medicine.
Most people accepted him growing up however when he moved to New York everything changed.
Jonathan was constantly mocked and people stared at calling him names like ‘midget,’ ‘short stuff,’ and a lot more.
One day he had enough and decided to make a film titled “Don’t Look Down on Me” using a hidden camera to expose peoples rude and ignorant behaviour. “I wanted to stop telling people what happened to me. I wanted to show people what happened to me,” he says.
Novick said, “When everyone else is picking on you, making fun of you, taking pictures of you, harassing you, for their own pleasure, it makes your entire life feel worthless.” Jonathan’s story will be an eye opener.
Take a look at the video below to see how people treated him.